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Meet Our Twin Falls Chiropractic Team

~Your “Fun-Loving” WELLNESS Team~


Neilson's Family Chiropractic - Team Jump


Destiny, Office Manager

Office Manager, DestinyDestiny has worked alongside with her husband Dr. Chad since they opened in 2004. Holding a degree in Education, Destiny also has a deep passion for holistic healthcare. She has been an avid supporter of natural chiropractic care as a first line of defense, as well as nutrition. Destiny spends much of her time researching the most current alternative health care resources, attending seminars, and sharing her knowledge.

Raising three young children, her love for knowledge is put to work. “I strive, as a mother and wife, to instill a love for God, your neighbors, your family, and yourself. My children are learning the value of an adjustment and the importance of eating healthy and exercising. I believe everyone, babies, children, and adults, need adjusted. All nerves run through your spine and when your vertebrate are subluxated (off alignment) you need to put them back into alignment so the nerve flow can be restored. These nerves run from your head to the tips of your fingers and toes and when “pinched” nerve flow is low/weak. I love to be part of a profession that truly is a TOOL to healing. I hear and see success stories daily and seeing a patient hug Dr. Chad and sincerely thank him for all he does is priceless.”

Shanna, Technical Chiropractic Assistant

ShannaHello, my name is Shanna. I am very passionate about helping others and helping patients achieve their goals.

As an Assistant to Dr. Chad, I have the privilege of doing hands on care for our patients.

I believe God made our bodies innate and intended for them to heal themselves. When our spine is correctly aligned, our nervous system will function properly making our body function the way God intended.

Sharrie, Chiropractic Assistant and Rock Star Receptionist

Thayne, Chiropractic Assistant, Health & Wellness Advocate

Kausha, Receptionista & Super Star Billing Specialist

kuashaI was born and raised in the magic valley. I love Idaho I think it is a wonderful place to raise my family. I am a mother of two awesome boys Landon and Matthew. My husband and I have always strived to be good examples to our children. The best way to teach is to teach by example. We have shown our children the importance of having good nutrition and exercising.

Before working for Nielson Family Chiropractic I was pretty uneducated about the importance of chiropractic care. Though I have always been a very healthy active person I had never been to a chiropractor. I am an avid runner that suffered from knee pain on my runs, after starting employment with Dr. Nielson he quickly treated my knee and I was able to run again pain free!

Cathi Ketterling, Pharm. D, ABAAHP, Health Coach, Speaker, Pharmacist

Cathi KetterlingI grew up and live in Idaho. I love clean air and open space. There is plenty of that here! I also love to travel. Some of my favorite places so far include Hawaii, Mexico, Egypt, and Dominican Republic. Find me a warm, sandy beach and I am super happy (especially during the cold winters).

I decided to be come a Pharmacist when I went to college even though I had been working at a health food store throughout high school. Somehow I knew that this would serve me in the future and that is exactly what manifested. I enjoyed being a pharmacist for quite a few years and then I grew increasingly dissatisfied with how I was “helping” people. The people I was filling prescriptions for were getting sicker and sicker, not better and healthier. This prompted me to dig into the nutraceutical world and I went back to school for a Fellowship in Anti-aging and Functional Medicine from the University of South Florida School of Medicine which placed a huge emphasis on nutrition, detox, cleansing, and science backed nutritional supplementation.

I now consider myself a natural health expert and prefer to see clients on a one-on-one basis or teach health classes as opposed to being behind the counter of a pharmacy. Drugs have their place but if you want real health you have to try alternative methods as medications really just manage symptoms.
I know that our bodies can HEAL themselves naturally and I use most if not all of the tools I have learned to help teach clients to become healthier, happier, and satisfied with how you look and feel. I, too, have used many of the modalities I have learned to heal myself from anxiety, stress, insomnia, adrenal fatigue, and weight and body image issues.

My purpose in this life is to help as many people as possible achieve their most vibrant, and healthy selves and love their bodies and their lives. I can help you detoxify your body and teach you amazing lifestyle tools. I also help you find underlying causes of your issues, guide you to discovering your fastest path to health, and help you break through that glass ceiling that keeps you feeling stuck. I will keep you accountable and feeling very supported.

Contact us today to get started and meet our team!

Meet the Team | Nielson Family Chiropractic | (208) 733-2322